Car transport
Are there waiting times at the car transport in Kandersteg or Goppenstein? When will the next car transport run on the Kandersteg - Iselle (Lötschberg - Simplon) line? Which vehicles can be transported? | Maximum height and width BLS car transport What are the maximum dimensions for loading large vehicles for the BLS car transport? Where can I find the timetable for for large vehicles? | car transport What is the road condition at the accesses to the car transport?
See all 9 articlesI have paid, but I have not received the ticket for the car transport. Is my online ticket a reservation for a specific car train? Which tickets for the car transport can I buy online? Can I return or exchange an online ticket for the car transport? Do I have to print out my online ticket for the car transport? I forgot my online ticket for the car transport at home. What can I do?
See all 9 articles